
舌尖上的航海丨第22集 消失的“筷子”大厨







































The Seastar was a cargo ship that traveled far distances to deliver goods to many

different countries. Its sailors hailed from all over the world: America, Europe, Africa, Asia,

and Australia… The crew spoke a variety of languages, and cultures were constantly

exchanged onboard the Seastar.

The Seastar’s chief cook, Chang, was from China. He was adept in making both Asian

and Western influenced flavors, and the crew deeply enjoyed the dishes he conjured up and

served every single day. Chang was also aware of different cuisines’ specialties and customs

as well as the foods that his crew preferred.

The seafarers enjoyed Chang’s dishes so much that some gave him an affectionate

nickname: Chopsticks.

But the story behind this nickname originated when members of the Seastar’s crew were

actually being relocated to another ship. When the Seastar docked at the Port of Busan in

Korea, a young Korean shiphand rushed onboard the Seastar as soon as the sailors who were

being relocated set off for their next journey. Chef Chang had heard about the young

Korean’s sailors arrival, and prepared a feast of Korean Barbecue to make him feel at home,

complete with a pair of silver chopsticks.

The Korean sailor gazed at the familiar meal set on the table in front of him, held onto

the metal chopsticks unique to Korea, and whispered, “Thank you”, to Chef Chang with his

eyes full of tears.

The rest of the sailors also dug into their special celebratory dinner, but some of them

wondered: Why did Chef Chang give the new shiphand a pair of metal chopsticks? This is the

first time we’ve ever seen metal chopsticks onboard!

The story truly began when Chef Chang was first assigned to the Seastar as the chief

cook. Amongst the nautical culinary world, the most difficult assignments are on ships and

cruises where crews of multiple nationalities sat together on the same dining table. Although

it was a beautiful, harmonious scene, the sailors from all over the world each had different

preferences in tastes - some liked sweet foods while others liked spicy, some used forks and

knives, some used chopsticks, and some were used to simply using their hands.

For Chef Chang, the beginning of his nautical journey was filled with nervousness and

jitters. Chang became inspired to become a chief cook on a cargo ship when he met the head

sailor of the Seastar, Bai. Bai had celebrated his birthday one year in the restaurant that

Chang was working in, and told Chang about all the wonderful, mysterious, and incredible

experiences he had ever since he became a sailor. After months of pondering and hoping for a

change in his life, Chang applied to become a food handler on cargo ships. With the help of

his friend Bai, Chang went through a series of professional training and exams and boarded

his first oceangoing vessel in only a year.

At first, Chang served on a ship with mostly Chinese seafarers. Being from China

himself, Chang was adept at making all kinds of Chinese cuisines, and was repeatedly praised

by the satisfied crew. But after he was transferred to the Seastar, where crew members from

all over the globe expected delicious meals after long days of working, Chang became less


Nevertheless, Chang was a resilient chef and would never give up. He seized the

opportunities that were presented by traveling on long, distanced voyages, and studied the

local cuisines of wherever the Seastar went. He watched other chefs prepare Korean

barbecues and kimchi, Japanese sushi, Italian pizzas and pastas, and pastries and delicacies

from France. Every time a crew member celebrated his birthday, Chang made sure to dig out

a recipe from the member’s hometown and prepare it with the utmost care to remind the

sailor of home. Steadily, the entire crew of the Seastar fell in love with the care and precision

Chang put into his cooking.

But a slight accident occured that made Chang realize that only presenting dishes from

the sailors’ hometowns were not enough. The dining experience was incomplete without the

proper customs and habits that the sailors ate with back at home.

This incident transpired when Chang prepared Korean barbecue for a crew member from

Korea on his birthday. When the sailor picked up the wooden chopsticks normally used on

the Seastar, to everyone’s horror, his chopsticks caught on fire.

Before the flames could reach the sailor’s hand, one of his friends poured a glass of

water over the chopsticks and put out the fire. But even then, Chang felt extremely guilty for

the stress everyone had to encounter on what should’ve been a joyous occasion. How could

the chopsticks catch fire? He wondered. As a Chinese food enthusiast, he’s eaten almost

anything in the world with chopsticks, and never had the chopsticks ever caught on fire

before. Did Korean people prefer to use something when they ate grilled foods?

Chang buried himself into cookbooks and historical accounts of Korean cuisine, and

finally found an answer.

Koreans, like those from many other Asian nations, used chopsticks as their primary

utensil when indulging in food. Chopsticks have a long and fascinating history and are one of

the most unique elements of dining in Asia, but the chopsticks found in different countries

each came with a set of individual customs and specifications.

For example, Chinese people have used chopsticks for many centuries, and have very

distinct rules about the kinds of chopsticks they eat with. In Ancient times, the length of

chopsticks in China signified the wealth and status of their users. Long chopsticks were

reserved for wealthy people who had an abundance of food in their homes, so they needed

large utensils to reach the diverse dishes served on their tables. Short chopsticks, on the other

hand, were given to poorer citizens that usually only ate from one bowl, and therefore didn’t

need utensils of considerable size as they had nothing to reach for. Blunt chopsticks were also

more popular in China as it made it easier to squeeze rice between the rounded edges of

chopsticks. In China, it is furthermore looked down upon to stick chopsticks into food, as

sticking chopsticks through steamed buns and pancakes are performed as a ritual to only

honor the dead.

In Japan, chopsticks are generally shorter than they are in China. This is because older

Japanese people desired simple, healthy meals, prepared in relatively compact portions and

served right in front of them on the table. Longer chopsticks sometimes got in the way of

indulging in the foods they enjoyed. Japanese chopsticks are also commonly sharper at the

front, especially ones used in meals containing sashimi. Sashimi skin is so delicately cut, that

blunt chopsticks would drop the precious delicacy before it could even be eaten.

To Chang, what was most surprising was the customs surrounding chopsticks in Korea.

Because Korean people loved barbecue and grilled meats, wooden and bamboo chopsticks

would continuously catch on fire whenever they tried to indulge in the highly-flammable

dishes. That was why Koreans mostly used metal chopsticks, and ingeniously, Korean

chopsticks were also usually flat to prevent them from rolling off the table.

After gaining an expertise in the various types of chopsticks, Chang made sure he

prepared a pair of shining metal chopsticks for every single Korean sailor on board. Because

of his extensive knowledge in food and utensils, Chang gained the friendly nickname, “Chef


But unexpectedly, after only a few years of working on the Seastar, Chef Chopsticks

suddenly disappeared. He resigned from his job on the Seastar without much explanation, and

returned home to a village in China.

The reason for this happened during one of the Seastar’s voyages to Japan.

Before they arrived at the dock, one Japanese shiphand told Chang of a restaurant in

Kyoto that served the best gyoza in the entire world. While the restaurant wasn’t big or

extravagant, it attracted a lot of loyal customers.

Chef Chang knew he had to see the restaurant for himself and perhaps speak to the

owner and learn a thing or two. The restaurant was located in a small alleyway near the center

of Kyoto, which aside from a few other shops and cafés, had nothing much of interest.

After Chef Chang tasted the famous gyoza, he was immediately impressed, and was

curious about a peculiar sign he noticed outside the restaurant. He asked to speak with the

owner, a man named Toshihiro.

After introducing himself, Chang asked Toshihiro about the wooden sign outside that

read, “Even if you don’t have money, you can come inside and dine for free. After you are

full, please remember to help us wash your dishes. (This rule is applicable only for students

over 18).”

Chang told Toshihiro, “Your restaurant is quite small, but the gyoza you make is

amazing. You could make a lot of money if you expanded your establishment, yet why do

you insist on serving people for free?”

Toshihiro smiled widely at Chang, and said, “It’s because of the kindness that I once

received from someone before me.”

It turns out that Toshihiro got married at the young age of twenty and soon had a child

with the woman he loved, but due to his low income, his family was thrown into a life of

hardships. In order to make sure that his wife and son had enough food to eat everyday, Toshihiro sometimes refused to eat anything even when working multiple jobs.

One day, when Toshihiro sat against the wall on a sidewalk holding his stomach, an old

man approached him and kindly offered to treat him to dinner. Toshihiro was beyond grateful,

and told the old man about how he hadn’t eaten in days but needed to provide for his wife

and child.

The old man was touched by Toshihiro’s strength and dedication. “Remember to take

care of yourself,” He said gently, “You need to be healthy in order to love and be there for

your family. Only then, will you be able to give them the life that you want.”

The old man’s words gave Toshihiro renewed motivation and resilience. He began

working even harder and made sure that his own stomach was also filled, and after many

years of harsh endeavors, Toshihiro finally started his own successful restaurant, and became

the “King of Gyoza” in Kyoto. Toshihiro decided to track down the old man who helped him,

but after arriving at the address he gave him, Toshihiro found out that the old man had

already passed away. Tears streamed down Toshihiro’s face as he told Chang his story. “I will never be able to

repay him, but there are many youths in this world who live just like I did. The only thing I

can do is to spread kindness and make sure they have the opportunity to work hard and

achieve their goals, too.”

Many universities and schools stood only a few blocks away from Toshihiro’s

restaurant. Toshihiro worried about the students who were spending all their expenses on

their studies and did not have the time or money to eat, so he put up the sign to ensure that

these kids could fill their stomachs in exchange for the easy task of washing some dishes.

Toshihiro had been helping the youths in Kyoto for a couple decades now, and a

minimum of 500 students who came from poverty had frequented his restaurant while in

search of a brighter future, including the sailor on the Seastar who told Chang about the

restaurant. The Japanese seafarer never forgot the kindness Toshihiro gave him, and visited

the gyoza restaurant whenever he could, and even brought him gifts like rare cutlery and

cookbooks. These gifts were displayed on a wall filled with photographs, letters, and cards

from the many students that appreciated Toshihiro and came back to relive their childhood

years by tasting their favorite gyoza and gifting Toshihiro with a piece of their heart.

When Chang thanked Toshihiro and got ready to leave, he found his own eyes swelling

up with tears. Chang was born in a poverty-stricken village in the mountains of China, and

his parents died when he was only a child, leaving him to grow up eating foods spared by his

neighbors and friends out of kindness and sympathy for an orphaned boy. He thought about

all the other children in the villages who struggled to fill their stomachs everyday, and had no

one to take care of them…

Chang decided to respectfully resign from the Seastar, and used up all his life’s savings

to open up a restaurant in the village that he grew up in. He, too, put up a sign written in

Chinese that said children and young adults could eat at the restaurant for free if they

promised to wash their own dishes and wipe down their own tables.

At Chang’s restaurant, regular guests would sometimes be confused by the sight of

foreign customers who took all the effort just to trek to a small restaurant in the middle of a

poor village in China. They would mysteriously bring gifts in the forms of chopsticks, rare

ingredients, and cookbooks for Chef Chang, who hugged them and took them on a tour of the

village that he grew up in.

On the days when the foreign travelers visited Chang’s restaurant, Chang always cooked

up a delicious foreign delicacy for all customers, complete with a lesson on the utensils and

customs of that culture, instead of the Chinese food that he usually served. Any time a local

guest asked Chang who these strange visitors were, Chang smiled and said, “They are my old

friends who came here by sea.”